Stanislaw Puchala
1888 to 1930
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The village is located at an altitude of 270-430 m above sea level in the Wieliczka Foothills . Lgota is also the village where Stanisaw's father, Ignacy, was born and raised. The main church in the area is in Spytkowice, a short ways away to the northwest, and family birth and marriage records can still be found there, despite many of his American decendants believing that there records were kept in Wadowice, slightly further than Spytkowice, but to the south west. Click on tne image to the right to see the map.
Stanislaw Puchala was born in 1888 in the small town of Lgota, a village in what is now Southern Poland, in the Lesser Poland voivodeship, in the Wadowice poviat, in the municipality of Tomice Click on Map to the right to see location of Lgota.
Ignacy Puchala had three children with his first wife before she died. When he remarried and had children with a new wife, inheritance disputes with the new mother caused Stanislaw and his siblings to decide to leave Poland for the promises of America. On February 23rd, 1907, the S.S. Kroonland arrived in New York City from Antwerp, with a 19 year old Stanislaw who stated he was bound for Pittburg Pennsylvania. Click on the Photos below for larger versions.
Stanislaw Puchala was born in 1888 in the small town of Lgota, a village in what is now Southern Poland, in the Lesser Poland voivodeship, in the Wadowice poviat, in the municipality of Tomice The village is located at an altitude of 270-430 m above sea level in the Wieliczka Foothills . Lgota is also the village where Stanisaw's father, Ignacy, was born and raised. The main church in the area is in Spytkowice, a short ways away to the northwest, and family birth and marriage records can still be found there, despite many of his American decendants believing that there records were kept in Wadowice, slightly further than Spytkowice, but to the south west.